1from typing import Literal, Optional 2 3from .._internal.common_nodes import Node 4from .._internal.io_basics import AbsoluteFilePath as AbsoluteFilePath 5from .._internal.url import HttpUrl as HttpUrl 6from ..generic.v0_2 import VALID_COVER_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS as VALID_COVER_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS 7from ..generic.v0_2 import AttachmentsDescr as AttachmentsDescr 8from ..generic.v0_2 import Author as Author 9from ..generic.v0_2 import BadgeDescr as BadgeDescr 10from ..generic.v0_2 import CiteEntry as CiteEntry 11from ..generic.v0_2 import Doi as Doi 12from ..generic.v0_2 import GenericDescrBase, ResourceId 13from ..generic.v0_2 import LinkedResource as LinkedResource 14from ..generic.v0_2 import Maintainer as Maintainer 15from ..generic.v0_2 import OrcidId as OrcidId 16from ..generic.v0_2 import RelativeFilePath as RelativeFilePath 17from ..generic.v0_2 import Uploader as Uploader 18from ..generic.v0_2 import Version as Version 19 20 21class DatasetId(ResourceId): 22 pass 23 24 25class DatasetDescr(GenericDescrBase): 26 """A dataset resource description file (dataset RDF) describes a dataset relevant to bioimage 27 processing. 28 """ 29 30 type: Literal["dataset"] = "dataset" 31 32 id: Optional[DatasetId] = None 33 """ unique resource identifier 34 assigned by; version **un**specific.""" 35 36 source: Optional[HttpUrl] = None 37 """"URL to the source of the dataset.""" 38 39 40class LinkedDataset(Node): 41 """Reference to a dataset.""" 42 43 id: DatasetId 44 """A valid dataset `id` from the collection.""" 45 46 version_number: Optional[int] = None 47 """version number (n-th published version, not the semantic version) of linked dataset"""
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
Inherited Members
26class DatasetDescr(GenericDescrBase): 27 """A dataset resource description file (dataset RDF) describes a dataset relevant to bioimage 28 processing. 29 """ 30 31 type: Literal["dataset"] = "dataset" 32 33 id: Optional[DatasetId] = None 34 """ unique resource identifier 35 assigned by; version **un**specific.""" 36 37 source: Optional[HttpUrl] = None 38 """"URL to the source of the dataset."""
A dataset resource description file (dataset RDF) describes a dataset relevant to bioimage processing. unique resource identifier assigned by; version unspecific.
124 def wrapped_model_post_init(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None: 125 """We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init 126 method. 127 """ 128 init_private_attributes(self, context) 129 original_model_post_init(self, context)
We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.
Inherited Members
- bioimageio.spec.generic.v0_2.GenericDescrBase
- format_version
- badges
- documentation
- license
- deprecated_spdx_license
- bioimageio.spec.generic.v0_2.GenericModelDescrBase
- name
- description
- covers
- id_emoji
- attachments
- cite
- config
- download_url
- git_repo
- icon
- links
- uploader
- maintainers
- rdf_source
- warn_about_tag_categories
- version
- version_number
41class LinkedDataset(Node): 42 """Reference to a dataset.""" 43 44 id: DatasetId 45 """A valid dataset `id` from the collection.""" 46 47 version_number: Optional[int] = None 48 """version number (n-th published version, not the semantic version) of linked dataset"""
Reference to a dataset.
version number (n-th published version, not the semantic version) of linked dataset