
 1from pydantic import ValidationError
 3from ._internal.common_nodes import InvalidDescr
 4from import (
 5    BioimageioYamlContent,
 6    BioimageioYamlSource,
 7    FileDescr,
 8    YamlValue,
10from ._internal.io_basics import (
11    AbsoluteDirectory,
12    AbsoluteFilePath,
13    FileName,
14    Sha256,
15    ZipPath,
17from ._internal.root_url import RootHttpUrl
18from ._internal.types import (
19    FilePath,
20    FileSource,
21    PermissiveFileSource,
22    RelativeFilePath,
24from ._internal.url import HttpUrl
26__all__ = [
27    "AbsoluteDirectory",
28    "AbsoluteFilePath",
29    "BioimageioYamlContent",
30    "BioimageioYamlSource",
31    "FileDescr",
32    "FileName",
33    "FilePath",
34    "FileSource",
35    "HttpUrl",
36    "InvalidDescr",
37    "PermissiveFileSource",
38    "RelativeFilePath",
39    "RootHttpUrl",
40    "Sha256",
41    "ValidationError",
42    "YamlValue",
43    "ZipPath",
AbsoluteDirectory = typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='dir'), Predicate(is_absolute), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='AbsoluteDirectory')]
AbsoluteFilePath = typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), Predicate(is_absolute), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='AbsoluteFilePath')]
BioimageioYamlContent = typing.Dict[str, YamlValue]
BioimageioYamlSource = typing.Union[typing.Annotated[typing.Union[HttpUrl, RelativeFilePath, typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='FilePath')]], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(union_mode='left_to_right')])], str, typing.Annotated[pydantic_core._pydantic_core.Url, UrlConstraints(max_length=2083, allowed_schemes=['http', 'https'], host_required=None, default_host=None, default_port=None, default_path=None)], typing.Dict[str, YamlValue]]
class FileDescr(bioimageio.spec._internal.node.Node):
768class FileDescr(Node):
769    source: ImportantFileSource
770    """∈📦 file source"""
772    sha256: Optional[Sha256] = None
773    """SHA256 checksum of the source file"""
775    @model_validator(mode="after")
776    def validate_sha256(self) -> Self:
777        context = validation_context_var.get()
778        if not context.perform_io_checks:
779            return self
780        elif (src_str := str(self.source)) in context.known_files:
781            actual_sha = context.known_files[src_str]
782        else:
783            local_source = download(self.source, sha256=self.sha256).path
784            actual_sha = get_sha256(local_source)
785            context.known_files[str(self.source)] = actual_sha
787        if self.sha256 is None:
788            self.sha256 = actual_sha
789        elif self.sha256 != actual_sha:
790            raise ValueError(
791                f"Sha256 mismatch for {self.source}. Expected {self.sha256}, got "
792                + f"{actual_sha}. Update expected `sha256` or point to the matching "
793                + "file."
794            )
796        return self
798    def download(self):
800        return download(self.source, sha256=self.sha256)
source: Annotated[Union[HttpUrl, RelativeFilePath, Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='FilePath')]], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(union_mode='left_to_right')]), AfterValidator(func=<function wo_special_file_name at 0x7fec152e3740>), PlainSerializer(func=<function _package at 0x7fec152e2a20>, return_type=PydanticUndefined, when_used='unless-none')]

∈📦 file source

sha256: Optional[Sha256]

SHA256 checksum of the source file

def validate_sha256(self) -> Self:
775    @model_validator(mode="after")
776    def validate_sha256(self) -> Self:
777        context = validation_context_var.get()
778        if not context.perform_io_checks:
779            return self
780        elif (src_str := str(self.source)) in context.known_files:
781            actual_sha = context.known_files[src_str]
782        else:
783            local_source = download(self.source, sha256=self.sha256).path
784            actual_sha = get_sha256(local_source)
785            context.known_files[str(self.source)] = actual_sha
787        if self.sha256 is None:
788            self.sha256 = actual_sha
789        elif self.sha256 != actual_sha:
790            raise ValueError(
791                f"Sha256 mismatch for {self.source}. Expected {self.sha256}, got "
792                + f"{actual_sha}. Update expected `sha256` or point to the matching "
793                + "file."
794            )
796        return self
def download(self):
798    def download(self):
800        return download(self.source, sha256=self.sha256)
FileName = <class 'str'>
FilePath = typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='FilePath')]
FileSource = typing.Annotated[typing.Union[HttpUrl, RelativeFilePath, typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='FilePath')]], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(union_mode='left_to_right')])]
class HttpUrl(bioimageio.spec.common.RootHttpUrl):
118class HttpUrl(RootHttpUrl):
119    """A URL with the HTTP or HTTPS scheme."""
121    root_model: ClassVar[Type[RootModel[Any]]] = RootModel[pydantic.HttpUrl]
122    _exists: Optional[bool] = None
124    def _after_validator(self):
125        self = super()._after_validator()
126        context = validation_context_var.get()
127        if (
128            context.perform_io_checks
129            and str(self._validated) not in context.known_files
130        ):
131            self._validated = _validate_url(self._validated)
132            self._exists = True
134        return self
136    def exists(self):
137        """True if URL is available"""
138        if self._exists is None:
139            try:
140                self._validated = _validate_url(self._validated)
141            except Exception as e:
143                self._exists = False
144            else:
145                self._exists = True
147        return self._exists

A URL with the HTTP or HTTPS scheme.

root_model: ClassVar[Type[pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Any]]] = <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Url, UrlConstraints(max_length=2083, allowed_schemes=['http', 'https'], host_required=None, default_host=None, default_port=None, default_path=None)]]'>

the pydantic root model to validate the string

def exists(self):
136    def exists(self):
137        """True if URL is available"""
138        if self._exists is None:
139            try:
140                self._validated = _validate_url(self._validated)
141            except Exception as e:
143                self._exists = False
144            else:
145                self._exists = True
147        return self._exists

True if URL is available

431class InvalidDescr(
432    ResourceDescrBase,
433    extra="allow",
434    title="An invalid resource description",
436    """A representation of an invalid resource description"""
438    type: Any = "unknown"
439    format_version: Any = "unknown"
440    fields_to_set_explicitly: ClassVar[FrozenSet[LiteralString]] = frozenset()

A representation of an invalid resource description

type: Any
format_version: Any
fields_to_set_explicitly: ClassVar[FrozenSet[LiteralString]] = frozenset()

set set these fields explicitly with their default value if they are not set, such that they are always included even when dumping with 'exlude_unset'

implemented_type: ClassVar[str] = 'unknown'
implemented_format_version: ClassVar[str] = 'unknown'
implemented_format_version_tuple: ClassVar[Tuple[int, int, int]] = (0, 0, 0)
def model_post_init(self: pydantic.main.BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
124                    def wrapped_model_post_init(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
125                        """We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init
126                        method.
127                        """
128                        init_private_attributes(self, context)
129                        original_model_post_init(self, context)

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

PermissiveFileSource = typing.Union[typing.Annotated[typing.Union[HttpUrl, RelativeFilePath, typing.Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='FilePath')]], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(union_mode='left_to_right')])], str, typing.Annotated[pydantic_core._pydantic_core.Url, UrlConstraints(max_length=2083, allowed_schemes=['http', 'https'], host_required=None, default_host=None, default_port=None, default_path=None)]]
class RelativeFilePath(pydantic.root_model.RootModel[PurePath], typing.Generic[~AbsolutePathT]):
186class RelativeFilePath(
187    RelativePathBase[Union[AbsoluteFilePath, HttpUrl, ZipPath]], frozen=True
189    """A path relative to the `rdf.yaml` file (also if the RDF source is a URL)."""
191    def model_post_init(self, __context: Any) -> None:
192        """add validation @private"""
193        if not  # an empty path can only be a directory
194            raise ValueError(f"{self.root} is not a valid file path.")
196        super().model_post_init(__context)
198    def get_absolute(
199        self, root: "RootHttpUrl | Path | AnyUrl | ZipFile"
200    ) -> "AbsoluteFilePath | HttpUrl | ZipPath":
201        absolute = self._get_absolute_impl(root)
202        if (
203            isinstance(absolute, Path)
204            and (context := validation_context_var.get()).perform_io_checks
205            and str(self.root) not in context.known_files
206            and not absolute.is_file()
207        ):
208            raise ValueError(f"{absolute} does not point to an existing file")
210        return absolute

A path relative to the rdf.yaml file (also if the RDF source is a URL).

def model_post_init(self: pydantic.main.BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
124                    def wrapped_model_post_init(self: BaseModel, context: Any, /) -> None:
125                        """We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init
126                        method.
127                        """
128                        init_private_attributes(self, context)
129                        original_model_post_init(self, context)

We need to both initialize private attributes and call the user-defined model_post_init method.

def get_absolute( self, root: RootHttpUrl | pathlib.Path | pydantic_core._pydantic_core.Url | zipfile.ZipFile) -> Union[Annotated[pathlib.Path, PathType(path_type='file'), Predicate(is_absolute), FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, title='AbsoluteFilePath')], HttpUrl, zipp.Path]:
198    def get_absolute(
199        self, root: "RootHttpUrl | Path | AnyUrl | ZipFile"
200    ) -> "AbsoluteFilePath | HttpUrl | ZipPath":
201        absolute = self._get_absolute_impl(root)
202        if (
203            isinstance(absolute, Path)
204            and (context := validation_context_var.get()).perform_io_checks
205            and str(self.root) not in context.known_files
206            and not absolute.is_file()
207        ):
208            raise ValueError(f"{absolute} does not point to an existing file")
210        return absolute
13class RootHttpUrl(ValidatedString):
14    """A 'URL folder', possibly an invalid HTTP URL"""
16    root_model: ClassVar[Type[RootModel[Any]]] = RootModel[pydantic.HttpUrl]
17    _validated: pydantic.HttpUrl
19    def absolute(self):
20        """analog to `absolute` method of pathlib."""
21        return self
23    @property
24    def scheme(self) -> str:
25        return self._validated.scheme
27    @property
28    def host(self) -> Optional[str]:
29        return
31    @property
32    def path(self) -> Optional[str]:
33        return self._validated.path
35    @property
36    def parent(self) -> RootHttpUrl:
37        parsed = urlsplit(str(self))
38        path = list(parsed.path.split("/"))
39        if (
40            parsed.netloc == ""
41            and parsed.path.startswith("/api/records/")
42            and parsed.path.endswith("/content")
43        ):
44            path[-2:-1] = []
45        else:
46            path = path[:-1]
48        return RootHttpUrl(
49            urlunsplit(
50                (
51                    parsed.scheme,
52                    parsed.netloc,
53                    "/".join(path),
54                    parsed.query,
55                    parsed.fragment,
56                )
57            )
58        )

A 'URL folder', possibly an invalid HTTP URL

root_model: ClassVar[Type[pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Any]]] = <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Url, UrlConstraints(max_length=2083, allowed_schemes=['http', 'https'], host_required=None, default_host=None, default_port=None, default_path=None)]]'>

the pydantic root model to validate the string

def absolute(self):
19    def absolute(self):
20        """analog to `absolute` method of pathlib."""
21        return self

analog to absolute method of pathlib.

scheme: str
23    @property
24    def scheme(self) -> str:
25        return self._validated.scheme
host: Optional[str]
27    @property
28    def host(self) -> Optional[str]:
29        return
path: Optional[str]
31    @property
32    def path(self) -> Optional[str]:
33        return self._validated.path
parent: RootHttpUrl
35    @property
36    def parent(self) -> RootHttpUrl:
37        parsed = urlsplit(str(self))
38        path = list(parsed.path.split("/"))
39        if (
40            parsed.netloc == ""
41            and parsed.path.startswith("/api/records/")
42            and parsed.path.endswith("/content")
43        ):
44            path[-2:-1] = []
45        else:
46            path = path[:-1]
48        return RootHttpUrl(
49            urlunsplit(
50                (
51                    parsed.scheme,
52                    parsed.netloc,
53                    "/".join(path),
54                    parsed.query,
55                    parsed.fragment,
56                )
57            )
58        )
33class Sha256(ValidatedString):
34    """A SHA-256 hash value"""
36    root_model: ClassVar[Type[RootModel[Any]]] = RootModel[
37        Annotated[
38            str,
39            StringConstraints(
40                strip_whitespace=True, to_lower=True, min_length=64, max_length=64
41            ),
42        ]
43    ]

A SHA-256 hash value

root_model: ClassVar[Type[pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Any]]] = <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[str, StringConstraints]]'>

the pydantic root model to validate the string

class ValidationError(builtins.ValueError):

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

def from_exception_data(title, line_errors, input_type='python', hide_input=False):
def error_count(self, /):
def errors( self, /, *, include_url=True, include_context=True, include_input=True):
def json( self, /, *, indent=None, include_url=True, include_context=True, include_input=True):
type YamlValue = Union[bool,, datetime.datetime, int, float, str, NoneType, List[ForwardRef('YamlValue')], Dict[Union[bool,, datetime.datetime, int, float, str, NoneType, Tuple[Union[bool,, datetime.datetime, int, float, str, NoneType], ...]], ForwardRef('YamlValue')]]
ZipPath = <class 'zipp.Path'>