Coverage for bioimageio/core/ 87%
86 statements
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2import warnings
3from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
4from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
6import h5py
7import numpy as np
8from imageio.v3 import imread, imwrite
9from loguru import logger
10from numpy.typing import NDArray
11from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, TypeAdapter
13from bioimageio.spec.utils import load_array, save_array
15from .axis import AxisLike
16from .common import PerMember
17from .sample import Sample
18from .stat_measures import DatasetMeasure, MeasureValue
19from .tensor import Tensor
24def load_image(path: Path, is_volume: Optional[bool] = None) -> NDArray[Any]:
25 """load a single image as numpy array
27 Args:
28 path: image path
29 is_volume: deprecated
30 """
31 if is_volume is not None:
32 warnings.warn("**is_volume** is deprecated and will be removed soon.")
34 file_path, subpath = _split_dataset_path(Path(path))
36 if file_path.suffix == ".npy":
37 if subpath is not None:
38 raise ValueError(f"Unexpected subpath {subpath} for .npy path {path}")
39 return load_array(path)
40 elif file_path.suffix in (".h5", ".hdf", ".hdf5"):
41 if subpath is None:
42 dataset_path = DEFAULT_H5_DATASET_PATH
43 else:
44 dataset_path = str(subpath)
46 with h5py.File(file_path, "r") as f:
47 h5_dataset = f.get( # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
48 dataset_path
49 )
50 if not isinstance(h5_dataset, h5py.Dataset):
51 raise ValueError(
52 f"{path} is not of type {h5py.Dataset}, but has type "
53 + str(
54 type(h5_dataset) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType]
55 )
56 )
57 image: NDArray[Any]
58 image = h5_dataset[:] # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
59 assert isinstance(image, np.ndarray), type(
60 image # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType]
61 )
62 return image # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
63 else:
64 return imread(path) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
67def load_tensor(path: Path, axes: Optional[Sequence[AxisLike]] = None) -> Tensor:
68 # TODO: load axis meta data
69 array = load_image(path)
71 return Tensor.from_numpy(array, dims=axes)
74def _split_dataset_path(path: Path) -> Tuple[Path, Optional[PurePosixPath]]:
75 """Split off subpath (e.g. internal h5 dataset path)
76 from a file path following a file extension.
78 Examples:
79 >>> _split_dataset_path(Path("my_file.h5/dataset"))
80 (PosixPath('my_file.h5'), PurePosixPath('dataset'))
82 If no suffix is detected the path is returned with
83 >>> _split_dataset_path(Path("my_plain_file"))
84 (PosixPath('my_plain_file'), None)
86 """
87 if path.suffix:
88 return path, None
90 for p in path.parents:
91 if p.suffix:
92 return p, PurePosixPath(path.relative_to(p))
94 return path, None
97def save_tensor(path: Path, tensor: Tensor) -> None:
98 # TODO: save axis meta data
100 data: NDArray[Any] =
101 file_path, subpath = _split_dataset_path(Path(path))
102 if not file_path.suffix:
103 raise ValueError(f"No suffix (needed to decide file format) found in {path}")
105 file_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
106 if file_path.suffix == ".npy":
107 if subpath is not None:
108 raise ValueError(f"Unexpected subpath {subpath} found in .npy path {path}")
109 save_array(file_path, data)
110 elif file_path.suffix in (".h5", ".hdf", ".hdf5"):
111 if subpath is None:
112 dataset_path = DEFAULT_H5_DATASET_PATH
113 else:
114 dataset_path = str(subpath)
116 with h5py.File(file_path, "a") as f:
117 if dataset_path in f:
118 del f[dataset_path]
120 _ = f.create_dataset(dataset_path, data=data, chunks=True)
121 else:
122 # if singleton_axes := [a for a, s in tensor.tagged_shape.items() if s == 1]:
123 # tensor = tensor[{a: 0 for a in singleton_axes}]
124 # singleton_axes_msg = f"(without singleton axes {singleton_axes}) "
125 # else:
126 singleton_axes_msg = ""
128 logger.debug(
129 "writing tensor {} {}to {}",
130 dict(tensor.tagged_shape),
131 singleton_axes_msg,
132 path,
133 )
134 imwrite(path, data)
137def save_sample(path: Union[Path, str, PerMember[Path]], sample: Sample) -> None:
138 """save a sample to path
140 If `path` is a pathlib.Path or a string it must contain `{member_id}` and may contain `{sample_id}`,
141 which are resolved with the `sample` object.
142 """
144 if not isinstance(path, and "{member_id}" not in str(path):
145 raise ValueError(f"missing `{ member_id} ` in path {path}")
147 for m, t in sample.members.items():
148 if isinstance(path,
149 p = path[m]
150 else:
151 p = Path(str(path).format(, member_id=m))
153 save_tensor(p, t)
156class _SerializedDatasetStatsEntry(
157 BaseModel, frozen=True, arbitrary_types_allowed=True
159 measure: DatasetMeasure
160 value: MeasureValue
163_stat_adapter = TypeAdapter(
164 Sequence[_SerializedDatasetStatsEntry],
165 config=ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True),
169def save_dataset_stat(stat: Mapping[DatasetMeasure, MeasureValue], path: Path):
170 serializable = [
171 _SerializedDatasetStatsEntry(measure=k, value=v) for k, v in stat.items()
172 ]
173 _ = path.write_bytes(_stat_adapter.dump_json(serializable))
176def load_dataset_stat(path: Path):
177 seq = _stat_adapter.validate_json(path.read_bytes())
178 return {e.measure: e.value for e in seq}