Coverage for bioimageio/spec/ 29%

85 statements  

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2import shutil 

3from io import BytesIO 

4from pathlib import Path 

5from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkdtemp 

6from typing import IO, Dict, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast 

7from zipfile import ZIP_DEFLATED 


9from pydantic import DirectoryPath, FilePath, NewPath 


11from ._description import InvalidDescr, ResourceDescr, build_description 

12from ._internal.common_nodes import ResourceDescrBase 

13from import ( 

14 BioimageioYamlContent, 

15 BioimageioYamlSource, 

16 YamlValue, 

17 download, 

18 ensure_is_valid_bioimageio_yaml_name, 


20from ._internal.io_basics import BIOIMAGEIO_YAML, AbsoluteFilePath, FileName, ZipPath 

21from ._internal.io_utils import open_bioimageio_yaml, write_yaml, write_zip 

22from ._internal.packaging_context import PackagingContext 

23from ._internal.url import HttpUrl 

24from ._internal.utils import get_os_friendly_file_name 

25from ._internal.validation_context import validation_context_var 

26from ._internal.warning_levels import ERROR 

27from ._io import load_description 

28from .model.v0_4 import WeightsFormat 



31def get_resource_package_content( 

32 rd: ResourceDescr, 

33 /, 

34 *, 

35 bioimageio_yaml_file_name: FileName = BIOIMAGEIO_YAML, 

36 weights_priority_order: Optional[Sequence[WeightsFormat]] = None, # model only 

37) -> Dict[FileName, Union[HttpUrl, AbsoluteFilePath, BioimageioYamlContent, ZipPath]]: 

38 """ 

39 Args: 

40 rd: resource description 

41 bioimageio_yaml_file_name: RDF file name 

42 # for model resources only: 

43 weights_priority_order: If given, only the first weights format present in the model is included. 

44 If none of the prioritized weights formats is found a ValueError is raised. 

45 """ 

46 os_friendly_name = get_os_friendly_file_name( 

47 bioimageio_yaml_file_name = bioimageio_yaml_file_name.format( 

48 name=os_friendly_name, type=rd.type 

49 ) 


51 bioimageio_yaml_file_name = ensure_is_valid_bioimageio_yaml_name( 

52 bioimageio_yaml_file_name 

53 ) 

54 content: Dict[FileName, Union[HttpUrl, AbsoluteFilePath, ZipPath]] = {} 

55 with PackagingContext( 

56 bioimageio_yaml_file_name=bioimageio_yaml_file_name, 

57 file_sources=content, 

58 weights_priority_order=weights_priority_order, 

59 ): 

60 rdf_content: BioimageioYamlContent = rd.model_dump( 

61 mode="json", exclude_unset=True 

62 ) 


64 _ = rdf_content.pop("rdf_source", None) 


66 return {**content, bioimageio_yaml_file_name: rdf_content} 



69def _prepare_resource_package( 

70 source: Union[BioimageioYamlSource, ResourceDescr], 

71 /, 

72 *, 

73 weights_priority_order: Optional[Sequence[WeightsFormat]] = None, 

74) -> Dict[FileName, Union[FilePath, BioimageioYamlContent, ZipPath]]: 

75 """Prepare to package a resource description; downloads all required files. 


77 Args: 

78 source: A resource description (as file, raw YAML content or description class) 

79 context: validation context 

80 weights_priority_order: If given only the first weights format present in the model is included. 

81 If none of the prioritized weights formats is found all are included. 

82 """ 

83 context = validation_context_var.get() 

84 bioimageio_yaml_file_name = context.file_name 

85 if isinstance(source, ResourceDescrBase): 

86 descr = source 

87 elif isinstance(source, dict): 

88 descr = build_description(source) 

89 else: 

90 opened = open_bioimageio_yaml(source) 

91 bioimageio_yaml_file_name = opened.original_file_name 

92 context = context.replace( 

93 root=opened.original_root, file_name=opened.original_file_name 

94 ) 

95 with context: 

96 descr = build_description(opened.content) 


98 if isinstance(descr, InvalidDescr): 

99 raise ValueError(f"{source} is invalid: {descr.validation_summary}") 


101 with context: 

102 package_content = get_resource_package_content( 

103 descr, 

104 bioimageio_yaml_file_name=bioimageio_yaml_file_name or BIOIMAGEIO_YAML, 

105 weights_priority_order=weights_priority_order, 

106 ) 


108 local_package_content: Dict[ 

109 FileName, Union[FilePath, BioimageioYamlContent, ZipPath] 

110 ] = {} 

111 for k, v in package_content.items(): 

112 if not isinstance(v, (, ZipPath)): 

113 v = download(v).path 


115 local_package_content[k] = v 


117 return local_package_content 



120def save_bioimageio_package_as_folder( 

121 source: Union[BioimageioYamlSource, ResourceDescr], 

122 /, 

123 *, 

124 output_path: Union[NewPath, DirectoryPath, None] = None, 

125 weights_priority_order: Optional[ # model only 

126 Sequence[ 

127 Literal[ 

128 "keras_hdf5", 

129 "onnx", 

130 "pytorch_state_dict", 

131 "tensorflow_js", 

132 "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle", 

133 "torchscript", 

134 ] 

135 ] 

136 ] = None, 

137) -> DirectoryPath: 

138 """Write the content of a resource package to a folder. 


140 Args: 

141 source: bioimageio resource description 

142 output_path: file path to write package to 

143 weights_priority_order: If given only the first weights format present in the model is included. 

144 If none of the prioritized weights formats is found all are included. 


146 Returns: 

147 directory path to bioimageio package folder 

148 """ 

149 package_content = _prepare_resource_package( 

150 source, 

151 weights_priority_order=weights_priority_order, 

152 ) 

153 if output_path is None: 

154 output_path = Path(mkdtemp()) 

155 else: 

156 output_path = Path(output_path) 


158 output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) 

159 for name, src in package_content.items(): 

160 if isinstance(src, 

161 write_yaml(cast(YamlValue, src), output_path / name) 

162 elif isinstance(src, ZipPath): 

163 extracted = Path(src.root.extract(, output_path)) 

164 if != 

165 try: 

166 shutil.move(str(extracted), output_path / 

167 except Exception as e: 

168 raise RuntimeError( 

169 f"Failed to rename extracted file '{}'" 

170 + f" to '{}'." 

171 + f" (extracted from '{}' in '{src.root.filename}')" 

172 ) from e 

173 else: 

174 shutil.copy(src, output_path / name) 


176 return output_path 



179def save_bioimageio_package( 

180 source: Union[BioimageioYamlSource, ResourceDescr], 

181 /, 

182 *, 

183 compression: int = ZIP_DEFLATED, 

184 compression_level: int = 1, 

185 output_path: Union[NewPath, FilePath, None] = None, 

186 weights_priority_order: Optional[ # model only 

187 Sequence[ 

188 Literal[ 

189 "keras_hdf5", 

190 "onnx", 

191 "pytorch_state_dict", 

192 "tensorflow_js", 

193 "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle", 

194 "torchscript", 

195 ] 

196 ] 

197 ] = None, 

198) -> FilePath: 

199 """Package a bioimageio resource as a zip file. 


201 Args: 

202 rd: bioimageio resource description 

203 compression: The numeric constant of compression method. 

204 compression_level: Compression level to use when writing files to the archive. 

205 See 

206 output_path: file path to write package to 

207 weights_priority_order: If given only the first weights format present in the model is included. 

208 If none of the prioritized weights formats is found all are included. 


210 Returns: 

211 path to zipped bioimageio package 

212 """ 

213 package_content = _prepare_resource_package( 

214 source, 

215 weights_priority_order=weights_priority_order, 

216 ) 

217 if output_path is None: 

218 output_path = Path( 

219 NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="", delete=False).name 

220 ) 

221 else: 

222 output_path = Path(output_path) 


224 write_zip( 

225 output_path, 

226 package_content, 

227 compression=compression, 

228 compression_level=compression_level, 

229 ) 

230 with validation_context_var.get().replace(warning_level=ERROR): 

231 if isinstance((exported := load_description(output_path)), InvalidDescr): 

232 raise ValueError( 

233 f"Exported package '{output_path}' is invalid:" 

234 + f" {exported.validation_summary}" 

235 ) 


237 return output_path 



240def save_bioimageio_package_to_stream( 

241 source: Union[BioimageioYamlSource, ResourceDescr], 

242 /, 

243 *, 

244 compression: int = ZIP_DEFLATED, 

245 compression_level: int = 1, 

246 output_stream: Union[IO[bytes], None] = None, 

247 weights_priority_order: Optional[ # model only 

248 Sequence[ 

249 Literal[ 

250 "keras_hdf5", 

251 "onnx", 

252 "pytorch_state_dict", 

253 "tensorflow_js", 

254 "tensorflow_saved_model_bundle", 

255 "torchscript", 

256 ] 

257 ] 

258 ] = None, 

259) -> IO[bytes]: 

260 """Package a bioimageio resource into a stream. 


262 Args: 

263 rd: bioimageio resource description 

264 compression: The numeric constant of compression method. 

265 compression_level: Compression level to use when writing files to the archive. 

266 See 

267 output_stream: stream to write package to 

268 weights_priority_order: If given only the first weights format present in the model is included. 

269 If none of the prioritized weights formats is found all are included. 


271 Note: this function bypasses safety checks and does not load/validate the model after writing. 


273 Returns: 

274 stream of zipped bioimageio package 

275 """ 

276 if output_stream is None: 

277 output_stream = BytesIO() 


279 package_content = _prepare_resource_package( 

280 source, 

281 weights_priority_order=weights_priority_order, 

282 ) 


284 write_zip( 

285 output_stream, 

286 package_content, 

287 compression=compression, 

288 compression_level=compression_level, 

289 ) 


291 return output_stream