Coverage for bioimageio/spec/_internal/ 35%
80 statements
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1from __future__ import annotations
3import re
4import sys
5from functools import wraps
6from inspect import signature
7from pathlib import Path
8from typing import (
9 Any,
10 Callable,
11 Dict,
12 Set,
13 Tuple,
14 Type,
15 TypeVar,
16 Union,
19from ruyaml import Optional
20from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
22K = TypeVar("K")
23V = TypeVar("V")
24NestedDict = Dict[K, "NestedDict[K, V] | V"]
27if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
28 from functools import lru_cache as cache
30 def files(package_name: str):
31 assert package_name == "bioimageio.spec", package_name
32 return Path(__file__).parent.parent
35 from functools import cache as cache
36 from importlib.resources import files as files
39def get_format_version_tuple(format_version: Any) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
40 if (
41 not isinstance(format_version, str)
42 or format_version.count(".") != 2
43 or any(not v.isdigit() for v in format_version.split("."))
44 ):
45 return None
47 parsed = tuple(map(int, format_version.split(".")))
48 assert len(parsed) == 3
49 return parsed
52def nest_dict(flat_dict: Dict[Tuple[K, ...], V]) -> NestedDict[K, V]:
53 res: NestedDict[K, V] = {}
54 for k, v in flat_dict.items():
55 node: Union[Dict[K, Union[NestedDict[K, V], V]], NestedDict[K, V]] = res
56 for kk in k[:-1]:
57 if not isinstance(node, dict):
58 raise ValueError(f"nesting level collision for flat key {k} at {kk}")
59 d: NestedDict[K, V] = {}
60 node = node.setdefault(kk, d) # type: ignore
62 if not isinstance(node, dict):
63 raise ValueError(f"nesting level collision for flat key {k}")
65 node[k[-1]] = v
67 return res
70FirstK = TypeVar("FirstK")
73def nest_dict_with_narrow_first_key(
74 flat_dict: Dict[Tuple[K, ...], V], first_k: Type[FirstK]
75) -> Dict[FirstK, "NestedDict[K, V] | V"]:
76 """convenience function to annotate a special version of a NestedDict.
77 Root level keys are of a narrower type than the nested keys. If not a ValueError is raisd.
78 """
79 nested = nest_dict(flat_dict)
80 invalid_first_keys = [k for k in nested if not isinstance(k, first_k)]
81 if invalid_first_keys:
82 raise ValueError(f"Invalid root level keys: {invalid_first_keys}")
84 return nested # type: ignore
87def unindent(text: str, ignore_first_line: bool = False):
88 """remove minimum count of spaces at beginning of each line.
90 Args:
91 text: indented text
92 ignore_first_line: allows to correctly unindent doc strings
93 """
94 first = int(ignore_first_line)
95 lines = text.split("\n")
96 filled_lines = [line for line in lines[first:] if line]
97 if len(filled_lines) < 2:
98 return "\n".join(line.strip() for line in lines)
100 indent = min(len(line) - len(line.lstrip(" ")) for line in filled_lines)
101 return "\n".join(lines[:first] + [line[indent:] for line in lines[first:]])
104T = TypeVar("T")
105P = ParamSpec("P")
108def assert_all_params_set_explicitly(fn: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:
109 @wraps(fn)
110 def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs):
111 n_args = len(args)
112 missing: Set[str] = set()
114 for p in signature(fn).parameters.values():
115 if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
116 if n_args == 0:
117 missing.add(
118 else:
119 n_args -= 1 # 'use' positional arg
120 elif p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
121 if n_args == 0:
122 if not in kwargs:
123 missing.add(
124 else:
125 n_args -= 1 # 'use' positional arg
126 elif p.kind in (p.VAR_POSITIONAL, p.VAR_KEYWORD):
127 pass
128 elif p.kind == p.KEYWORD_ONLY:
129 if not in kwargs:
130 missing.add(
132 assert not missing, f"parameters {missing} of {fn} are not set explicitly"
134 return fn(*args, **kwargs)
136 return wrapper
139def get_os_friendly_file_name(name: str) -> str:
140 return re.sub(r"\W+|^(?=\d)", "_", name)