Coverage for bioimageio/spec/_internal/ 38%
42 statements
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1from __future__ import annotations
3from datetime import date, datetime
4from typing import (
5 Any,
6 Hashable,
7 Mapping,
8 Sequence,
9 Union,
12import requests
14from ._settings import settings
15from .constants import KNOWN_GH_USERS, KNOWN_INVALID_GH_USERS
16from .field_warning import issue_warning
17from .type_guards import is_mapping, is_sequence, is_tuple
18from .validation_context import validation_context_var
21def is_valid_yaml_leaf_value(value: Any) -> bool:
22 return value is None or isinstance(value, (bool, date, datetime, int, float, str))
25def is_valid_yaml_key(value: Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]) -> bool:
26 return (
27 is_valid_yaml_leaf_value(value)
28 or is_tuple(value)
29 and all(is_valid_yaml_leaf_value(v) for v in value)
30 )
33def is_valid_yaml_mapping(value: Union[Any, Mapping[Any, Any]]) -> bool:
34 return is_mapping(value) and all(
35 is_valid_yaml_key(k) and is_valid_yaml_value(v) for k, v in value.items()
36 )
39def is_valid_yaml_sequence(value: Union[Any, Sequence[Any]]) -> bool:
40 return is_sequence(value) and all(is_valid_yaml_value(v) for v in value)
43def is_valid_yaml_value(value: Any) -> bool:
44 return any(
45 is_valid(value)
46 for is_valid in (
47 is_valid_yaml_key,
48 is_valid_yaml_mapping,
49 is_valid_yaml_sequence,
50 )
51 )
54def validate_unique_entries(seq: Sequence[Hashable]):
55 if len(seq) != len(set(seq)):
56 raise ValueError("Entries are not unique.")
57 return seq
60def validate_gh_user(username: str, hotfix_known_errorenous_names: bool = True) -> str:
61 if hotfix_known_errorenous_names:
62 if username == "Constantin Pape":
63 return "constantinpape"
65 if (
66 username.lower() in KNOWN_GH_USERS
67 or not validation_context_var.get().perform_io_checks
68 ):
69 return username
71 if username.lower() in KNOWN_INVALID_GH_USERS:
72 raise ValueError(f"Known invalid GitHub user '{username}'")
74 try:
75 r = requests.get(
76 f"{username}",
77 auth=settings.github_auth,
78 timeout=3,
79 )
80 except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
81 issue_warning(
82 "Could not verify GitHub user '{value}' due to connection timeout",
83 value=username,
84 )
85 else:
86 if r.status_code == 403 and r.reason == "rate limit exceeded":
87 issue_warning(
88 "Could not verify GitHub user '{value}' due to GitHub API rate limit",
89 value=username,
90 )
91 elif r.status_code != 200:
92 KNOWN_INVALID_GH_USERS.add(username.lower())
93 raise ValueError(f"Could not find GitHub user '{username}'")
95 KNOWN_GH_USERS.add(username.lower())
97 return username